Schultz & Larsen is a Danish rifle and silencer manufacturer that originally was located in the city of Otterup, but as of 1994 have been located in the town of Rask Mølle in the mid East of Jutland near Horsens. Manufacture is split between two sites in the locale.
The company was founded in 1919 by Hans Christian Schultz (1864–1937) and Niels Larsen (1889–1969). Following the Treaty of Versaille plenty of German machinery was sold abroad for scrap. Schultz and Larsen acquired a suitable set for manufacturing rifles and started producing small caliber target rifles. The company also acted as an important sub contractor to Theodor Bergmann's German company, among other things they produced the MP35 submachinegun and the gun barrels to the MG 15 machine gun.
After WW2 the production switched to mainly hunting rifles, and a range of target rifles based on M98 Mauser actions, initially using components from Kar 98k rifles left behind in Denmark by German occupying forces. Schultz and Larsen of Denmark also made target rifle conversions of captured Kar 98ks. Early versions, the M52 and M58, were made for service-style target shooting, and used shortened, polished and refurbished Kar 98k stocks combined with new heavy target-weight 30-06 or 6,5X55mm barrels as required. Later versions had new target stocks fitted and were available in 30-06, 6,5X55mm and 7,62X51 and generally resemble the Norwegian Kongsberg Mauser M59, except there was no upper handguard or cleaning rod. The actions had the German markings removed, were refinished in grey phosphate, and new serial numbers and proof marks applied.
High quality Schultz and Larsen barrels contributed to the development of the British Swing target rifle: "George Swenson had personally acquired the UK concession for Schultz & Larsen products, having known the brothers Larsen for some years. It was in fact the excellence of this firm's cut-rifled barrels, and their capability to extract maximum accuracy from sometimes very indifferent Radway Green government 7.62 NATO ammunition, largely due to the research carried out mainly by George and myself (not to mention help from Wally Middleton, then director of Radway Green) between 1968 and 1970, that helped launch the SWING model Sin 71 Rifle".

Also while Schultz & Larsen is a very small company, it has focused on high quality weapons and components.
Manufactured in Denmark by Schultz & Larsen, the model 70 was adopted by Scandinavian Rifle Associations in Norway and Sweden. The M70 is a precision made, heavy target barrel, single shot .22lr caliber rifle featuring outstanding match grade accuracy. Each is fitted with a target competition stock and adjustable target rear sights.
Sights may vary only slightly from rifle to rifle. Some rifles may feature an engraved plate, competitive awards recognition, and/or other decals and stickers. These are extremely interesting rifles. A must for small bore shooters.
 Overall 43.5" length, 25.75" barrel length, and 9lbs in weight.

Hi everyone,

I created this blog to share my experience with some weapons.
One likes or does not like guns, I do not care.
I love shooting and I share this passion.


I was looking to buy an initiation rifle for our shooting club.
I am the secretary of a shooting club for several years now and we needed a rifle that can be used by all.
I was looking for an accurate, reliable , good quality and if possible proven in shooting schools rifle.
And as we are not very rich , we wanted a rifle at an affordable price . 
In my research , I discovered the Danish Schultz & Larsen rifles and especially the model 70 and 77. . 
What I immediately liked on this rifle was the shap of the stock, the impressive size of the barrel and the diopter.
Participating from time to time in shooting competitions , I said "Yes ! " it's a good rifle for training. 
I ordered two rifles from a gunsmith in France for our shooting club. 
Both rifles were what I wanted for the shooting club. Then, I ordered two more but for me this time. 

In this blog , I'll show you pictures of the rifles and give you my opinion about this Schultz & Larsen.  
You will see pictures ( a lot) of the woodworking I realized and finally the result I've got . 
I am not a carpenter or cabinetmaker but I have two hands and some time to spnd on this project.

Opening the first parcel . 
Exciting moment of discovering the rifle. You can also see the care taken in the packaging .



First thing, I disassemble the rifle for a closer look at how it's made.

Nothing easier to disassemble it. There are two screws under the bridge must be removed and a central screw that holds the barrel. It is floating type.

(pictures were taken after I reworked the wood).

Weight: 4.1kg

Barrel length: 68cm

Total length of the rifle: 111cm

Diameter of the barrel at the tunnel: 22mm

Diameter of the barrel at the breech: 24mm

Sighting: diopter has only one graduation. 50 meters

Here is the weapon before it enters my garage for a relooking. 

I'm shooting it at the gun range for the first time

I made a first setting at 50 meters then I made a second setting at 100 meters to determine the number of click that I have to diale to reach the 100 meters target. But i will most likely use it at the 50 meteres range.

I'll show you my target results once completed.

The rifle is clean but has a dark varnish that I do not like and some shots on the stock that shows that she has lived before to come to my place.

 Diopter with neat clicks.

First stage, the stripping sanded paper 120.

It's quite easy to take the varnish off the stock but it takes time to do it well and especially to avoid  removing too much wood.

It's the varnish we want to remove from the wood and not the wood itself.

Even if we need to work harder on some places, we don't want to go too deep.

 Looks good.
  I can not resist to reasemble it to see how it look like.

 A lightweight sanded-oiled paper with a linseed oil, acetone and drying mixture, it's what I used.

After two days of hard work, many linseed oil layers, turpentine polishing and sanding layers, here is the result I've got.

The wood seems to be a slightly reddish walnut.

The serial number is 26436

Allez, we've got the second rifle arrived two weeks later and again well packed.

The wood does not seem to be the same. 
I would say for the first rifle walnut and beech for the second rifle.

Cette petite plaque argentée signifie que cette carabine a remporté une première place en 1988.

Removing the barrel and straps.

 At work ...

 It is interesting to see the marks and strokes coming out again when sanding.

 Not displeased with me on this job.

  A linseed oil layer to realize the color of the wood.
 It is different from the first rifle and I like it pretty well.

Fitting the rifle to realize the rendering. 
The rendring is nice but a bit too light brown for my taste. I will have to darken it a bit.

This is the result once I found the right shade.

I only used the linseed oil, acetone, turpentine, the drier and black shoe polish to darken a little the wood.

I do not know if it's a very academic way to do it but I took what I had on hand.

Sometime, I can be cheap.
The serial number is 27695

 The almost twin sisters

One of my two bolt heads was blocked due to the lack of proper care. 
I had to insist vigorously to unlock it.
The bolt should be taken appart at least once a year for proper care.

Everything is back in order and it's easily removable by hand now.

 Dismantling the rifle.


Only one screw is use to keep the barrel in the stock.

Trigger and diopter.

The adjustment is done with a small hexagonal key.

You can get a direct pull or a pull with a dimple.

Here a picture of the old trigger version you can find on the M58.

On the M70 model, you will find the trigger below.
It's an improvement  of the M58 trigger ans you can see the difference by yourself.
The metal part of the trigger is thicker all the way and you are able to adjust the sensibility of the pull using the long allen screw.

 I also want to tell you there is to my knowledge two types of bolt stop.
The first one...

and the second one...

After searching the web, I discover that some of my rifles by there serial numbers are actually M77 and not M70.
The only difference I could find is the adjustable trigger and the bolt lock.  The only difference between M70 and M77 is the trigger.

M70 has what we call a direct trigger. When you pull the trigger you release the bolt directly.
M77 has an extern trigger. When you pull the trigger, you release several rods and springs in a little box. Here you have the possibility to adjust the weight, point and so on.

The third one I order in Danmark as the serial of a M70 model. Went I get it, I will show it to you.

 Following numbers are not mine but are interesting to know if they are correct.

 M24: Original rifle
- The M33: Evolution of the M24 by a change in the head and minor adjustment on the butt
- The M58: evolution of the M33 with apparition new bodies covered front and rear
- The M70: major evolution of M58: Change in stock and modified the trigger. The trigger is adjustable
- The M77: evolution of the M70 by changing the relaxation recognizable to his hoof.
- The M88: true rifle match the image Anschutz

 Here the quantities produced of each model

M24: about 2200
M33: about 11,000
M58: about 4300
M70: about 7500
M77: about 3000
M88: unknown number

These numbers were found on a forum where a Danish specialist gave this information. He reports that some M70 had been returned to the factory to be modified to M77.

Another person announces the following figures, which differ somewhat:
Here are the numbers in relation to the production (done consecutively numbered)
on the M24 Model 2200 rifles produced
on the M33 model rifles produced 11,000
on the M58 model 4296 rifles produced
on the M70 model 7434 rifles produced
on the M77 model 3063 rifles produced.
On the M88 some people put the figure at 28 rifles and other items 500. M88 produced would last number 28230 manufactured 14 December 1992.

M24 -> M33 changed bolt and new small changes on the stock
M33 -> M58 New front and rear sight (international standard).
M58 -> M70 New Stock (very different from earlier), new bolt with extractor in the right side, new inner parts of the bolt and a new trigger.
M70 -> M77 New trigger
M70 -> M88 New trigger and a new stock.
There are small changes not mentioned.

So if one summarizes:
M24 No. 1-2200
M33 No. 2201-13200
M58 No. 13201-17497
M70 No. 17498-24932
M77 No. 24933-27996

Shooting from the bench at 50 meters.
The first target is from the first rifle and the second target is from the second rifle. I fired 20 bullets in each.
I used RWS rifle match 22lr.

I am not very happy with the last target, I have to practice more.
I shot prone position.
Normaly when I shoot prone position, I use a 1907 sling but this time, I used H&K G3 sling because I only had this model at hand.

 Ok, today it's a rainy day but... I'm happy
Serial number 24619

I just got my third S&L M70 from Bisgaard & Nielsen in Denmark.

As you can see, there is a little job to do for me on the wood to make it up to my standard.
The barrel and the bolt are in very good condition.

 Bolt, trigger gard, screws etc...

One hour later...

First layer of linseed oil.

Second layer

 Finally the three  together...

We are in march and three months after buying my first rifle, I get my last two rifles from Denmark.

I will have a bit of disappointment at first. Not because of the rifles but the trigger is the older version and I was expecting M77 and I got M70 rifles.

As you can see, the trigger is the old model M58.

Few hours later...

The first one with the serial number 24925

The second one with the serial number 24779

 I can say  M77 or M70, I like them equally.

After few months of using both types of trigger, I do not see a big difference between the two of them.
The trigger of the M77 is more easily adjustable and it is possible to choose between a pull with a dimple or a direct pull.
The oldest type has only a direct pull.

I use them for 50, 100 and 200 meters shooting and I'm having a lot of fun!

I hope talking about my sudden love of the carbine Schultz & Larsen M70/M77 wasn't too long or boring for you (especially the number of pictures).

For now, I will concentrate on practicing and shooting local competition with it.

Merci à tous!

Frédéric & Etsuko Billard